June 17, 2011


I collected a snapshot of all of my favorite textures and colors and collections. I thought this would be a great idea to have in front of me when I start collecting my next batch of jewelry supplies so that I can keep things more uniform and more me
Apparently, I like natural wood, pinks and blues and white, ruffles and bows, thin curved metal, leather and lace, and bold graphic prints. Yup! I sure do. [oh, and fluffy dogs.] What do you all like?
[sources: the sources are from all over the place and I apologize. Some are: scoutandcatalogue.com, makeundermylife.blogspot.com, designstiles.me, etsy.com]


  1. Yep pretty much love natural wood, ruffles, and bows too! What a beautiful board full of such pretties!


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